tstolber asked
Member (98 upvotes)


Who is an SEO that also codes?

I am coining this hash tag #SEOsWhoCode

I love python but also many other programming languages. SEO and Python can make a powerful tool set.

Marketing automation can happen and significantly increase productivity for your business or your marketing operations if you can effectively use programming to your advantage.

What is your favorite language?

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

The skill of being able to program is probably more important than the language you use. I have always gone by the rule of thumb that it takes 6 months of daily use to learn a any new language so this can be quite a big investment in time.

However many languages have strength with some tasks, for example the now forgotten language of fortran was fantastic at heavy maths. In today's world of online computing it would not really make sense to use such a language. 

My favorite language of all time would have to be C as it is low level and enables me to bypass restrictions posed by operating systems. However development time takes a massive hit as there are so few built in functions for handling simple tasks required in the online world. 

The compromise now is C# which is C like but comes out of the box a massive tool set allowing the programmer to drastically reduce development time whilst still offering scalability which is often overlooked by fancy new languages which seem to come out almost every month.  

My advice is to look at what is your end goal, what tools will you require to complete your task. 
For me I need a language which is flexible, for example I use C# to develop websites, desktop apps and more recently mobile apps. All this without having to learn a new programming environment and syntax and was able to integrate functions I had written for other project cutting down development time further.    

You will find there is a lot of programming snobey with regards to which language you use so there is a lot of bad advice out there.

Good advice?
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Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I don't have an awful lot of experience, so I can't really compare languages all the well. From having a bit of a dabble with PHP, Python & C# - so far, C# comes on on top for me. It's just insanely flexible, I love it.

Do you mind me asking, what kind of tasks do you do with Python / SEO?

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Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I don't have an awful lot of experience, so I can't really compare languages all the well. From having a bit of a dabble with PHP, Python & C# - so far, C# comes on on top for me. It's just insanely flexible, I love it.

Do you mind me asking, what kind of tasks do you do with Python / SEO?

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Hey Matt - I do a lot - automated analysis, output reports, check URLs and find information resources that meet certain logical conditions. I use it mainly as a productivity tool for SEO. Although I am sure you will be familiar with the graph that shows the amount of time to do repetitive task vs the amount of time to code and maintain that "simple" bit of code to automate said task which can spiral out of control into a massive project seemingly by accident.
Avatar for member CeceliaPool01
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My favorite programming language would be C and PHP, it's really a plus when you code and do SEO at the same time. My team leader was really impressed by my performance and told me that I was a fast learner. Because I easily understand checking important SEO metrics and analyzing websites for reports.

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Avatar for member KnowOneSpecial
Moderator (84 upvotes)

I have found that the following have extensible use.

For maintaining WordPress sites... PHP is a must... I also love it for it's large set of functions out of the box.

For windows based servers... C, Visual Basic are nice but Asp/AspX are a must including C#.  I am not so versed with C# but have many years with C and C++.

I program in MySql, MsSql and in some instances Access.  Some type of database is a necessity for large websites.

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Avatar for member Nizam18
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Search engine optimization coding is the process of writing or re-writing the programming for your web site in such a way that search engines (like Google) can read and index your content.

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