ArjunThikka asked
Member (0 upvotes)

How to get YouTube video on SERP?

Separate video section I had seen to my competitors, I am doing to SEO the channel but still it's not showing please help me on this. Thank you.

Avatar for member KnowOneSpecial
Moderator (84 upvotes)

You have already chosen your keywords so...

Let me offer a few suggestions:

Search your most important keywords on Google. 

Now ask yourself -- Are the top ranking results videos' or written content. 

If they are written content then you want to tweak your keywords a bit.  Consider that videos are generally 
" How To's ".   So add that prefix to your keyword phrase.  You could also try "keyword + Tutorial"

Also understand that "click bait" tactics don't work very well on YouTube.  People see through that crap almost immediately.

Good luck

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Avatar for member poojithachinni
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4 Ways to Rank Higher in YouTube Search Results
  1. Quality videos get more clicks and views.
  2. Use your keywords in your tags, but consider only using about 10 of the most relevant keywords.
  3. Descriptive titles make a big difference in YouTube channel traffic.
  4. A description with keywords works with your title to draw people in.

< snip No Self-Promotion >

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Avatar for member elena125
Member (0 upvotes)

If you want, you video show at Search Engine Result Page(SERP) then 

  • Make a attractive video
  • Your video content should be unique and informative
  • Put Unique and attractive Title of your video
  • Put relative Meta tags and description
  • Make a attractive thumbnail for your video
  • Share your video on top social media site daily
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