VirtueNetz asked
Member (0 upvotes)

How to add city location tags in meta-tags of wordpress header file?

I am facing an issue in creating multiple pages with the same content for different cities. I have an idea about we have to add some tags in meta-tags for cities location parameters. But how to add? Kindly give me an idea for this? 
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Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Ignore advice about using keywords etc, its almost 20 years out of date.

If you wish to target geo-locations in 2021 then you need to use schema and google my business if you have a brick and mortar company in the location. 

Good advice?
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Avatar for member SubhodipDas
Member (0 upvotes)

Hello, there are many ways to add a location tag to your website. Am telling you two ways: 1. Add location in your keywords and set those as focus keywords or 2. Use geotag for location base audience, and use a snippet to write address for all pages.

Good advice?
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