Adnan123 asked
Member (7 upvotes)

Should I use a html, or XML sitemap?

I was just wondering if Google/Bing had a preference? Is there a benefit to an XML sitemap opposed to an HTML sitemap?

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

HTML sitemaps tend to be for users and they are not for submitting to search console. 

XML sitemaps are good for search engines but not for users, although both may contain the same data they are for different purposes. 

To be honest its been quite a while since I have seen a site with a HTML sitemap, this is now not common practice although it is still valid. Webmaster now tend to add navigation or search facilities to allow users access to all your pages. 

XML sitemaps only need to be submitted if your site has orphaned pages, i.e. pages that cannot be found via clicking links within your site. One of Googles strengths is their ability in finding pages to index. If the site is just a regular site then there is no need to upload one. 

You will read from many SEO experts you MUST upload a sitemap, but its rare I use one and I have no problem at getting my site indexed.  

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Avatar for member Adityardd
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XML sitemaps is the list of urls. it allows search engine to crawl the site more effectively.

HTML sitemap navigating the users in your site...both are different

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Avatar for member Nag
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Simply, XML sitemaps are useful for crawlers or bots navigation, whereas HTML sitemaps are useful for users navigation.

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Avatar for member Neha
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Sitemaps are maily helpful for websites like:

  • Large websites
  • Websites with lots of content that’s not well linked
  • New websites
  • Websites with rich media content
  • From these its clear that majority of websites should have a sitemap.

XML sitemaps are written for search engines and HTML sitemaps are written for humans.XML sitemap is mainly written for search engine spiders. This can help search engine spider to quickly extract the important informations about our site by looking at the XML file.

An HTML sitemap helps human users to find a page on your site that they are looking engines actually reward the sites that are easy to use, you can improve your site’s ranking by improving your user experience. It may be the case that you provide a better user experience by providing an HTML sitemap.

A well-designed HTML sitemap should have an anchor link pointing to every website webpage. This can ensures that your entire website is search engine crawlable. So which sitemap should you use? The easy answer to this question is both.

For more information please do contact [email protected]

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Avatar for member dgptapu
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According to me you have to use both XML and HTML sitemap for your website. HTML for user purpose and XML sitemap for Web Crawler to find all of your pages.

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