Tiger asked
Member (4 upvotes)

Doorway page

Just been reading about doorway pages and quite excited to start adding them. Most things I read these are for attracting uses from cities which is perfect but I want to target the whole country, what's the best way of doing this as that would mean a lot of pages.

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Firstly you need to tread very carefully here. These type of pages break google guidelines. 

Doorway pages

Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries. They are bad for users because they can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results, where each result ends up taking the user to essentially the same destination. They can also lead users to intermediate pages that are not as useful as the final destination.

Here are some examples of doorways:

  • Having multiple domain names or pages targeted at specific regions or cities that funnel users to one page
  • Pages generated to funnel visitors into the actual usable or relevant portion of your site(s)
  • Substantially similar pages that are closer to search results than a clearly defined, browseable hierarchy

Source https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2721311

The issue is these pages serve no use to the average user except to attract them to your site, you will then need to funnel them to your money pages as the page itself was just for attracting them. 

Of course you may decide the risk is worth it but do bear in mind you risk a penalty if caught. 

The basic idea is to target 2 key words, the product/service and the region your targeting. The more you make the page about the region the better chance it will rank for that location. 

Its something I did a while ago for every city, town, village and hamlet in the UK and it produced 28,000 pages. Most ranked on the first page if not #1 for product + location. 

When google started targeting such activity I took down these pages as the last thing the site wanted was a penalty. 

I do however still see some sites doing this and appear to get away with it. I am afraid though saying xyz are getting away with it is no defence once they spot you. You will still run the risk of being de-indexed.  

Good advice?
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Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Doorway pages used to work very well ~5 years ago. Nowadays, Google's algorithm tends to swat them pretty easily. As Chris points out, it's a clear violation of Google's terms and conditions. 

Personally, I don't think it's worth it. It's spammy, and very old school. Not saying some websites aren't still getting away with it, because they certainly are.

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Targeting your own town for your product or service is still valid. it's more about targeting places you don't have a bricks and mortar presence that's the issue.
Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Doorway pages used to work very well ~5 years ago. Nowadays, Google's algorithm tends to swat them pretty easily. As Chris points out, it's a clear violation of Google's terms and conditions. 

Personally, I don't think it's worth it. It's spammy, and very old school. Not saying some websites aren't still getting away with it, because they certainly are.

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Avatar for member nikitacod
Banned (-6 upvotes)

Webmasters are sometimes told to submit “bridge” pages or “doorway” pages to search engine  to improve their traffic. Doorway pages are created to do well for particular phrases. They are also known as portal pages, jump pages, gateway pages, entry pages, and by other names as well.

Doorway pages are easy to identify in that they have been designed primarily for search engines, not for human beings. This page explains how these pages are delivered technically, and some of the problems they pose.

Low Tech Delivery

here are various ways to deliver doorway pages. The low-tech way is to create and submit a page that is targeted toward a particular phrase. Some people take this a step further and create a page for each phrase and for each search engine.

One problem with this is that these pages tend to be very generic. It’s easy for people to copy them, make minor changes, and submit the revised page from their own site in hopes of mimicking any success. Also, the pages may be so similar to each other that they are considered duplicates and automatically excluded by the search engine from its listings.

Agent Delivery

The next step up is to deliver a doorway page that only the search engine sees. Each search engine reports an “agent” name, just as each browser reports a name.

The advantage to agent name delivery is that you can send the search engine to a tailored page yet direct users to the actual content you want them to see. This eliminates the entire “bridge” problem altogether. It also has the added benefit of “cloaking” your code from prying eyes.

IP Delivery / Page Cloaking

Time for one more step up. Instead of delivering by agent name, you can also deliver pages to the search engines by IP address, assuming you’ve compiled a list of them and maintain it.

Everyone and everything that accesses a site reports an IP address, which is often resolved into a host name. For example, I might come into a site while connected to AOL, which in turn reports an IP of (FYI, that’s not real, just an example).

Good advice?
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Hi nikitacod

Your post is dangerous, very dangerous.

It is full of "Black Hat" tactics and anyone following the methods you have listed will get their site penalized and quite possible banned on Google, Bing, etc., etc..

Agent Delivery:

Any good SEO practitioner can emulate Googlebot agent. I often do when auditing a site for the very first time. This method is a "BAD IDEA" to say the least. This will get you a definite penalty !

IP Delivery:

Again you can't hide the contents from humans. This fails hands down by using the tools Google provides to help you optimize your site. All you have to do to get through this attempted roadblock, which is very simple, is to use this tool: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

You simply enter the url you want to test and then you can see how the page renders on mobile and "SEE THE EXACT SOURCE". It is as simple as just clicking a button.

This sends Googlebot with a known Google IP and scans the page and badaboom, badabing, anyone can see what you have done.

If you don't believe me try it !!! I have used Google.com for example

( notice in the top right hand corner, it shows "ScreenShot" underlined ) 

(notice in the top right hand corner is show " HTML underlined ) 

Anyone reading your post needs to understand it is as dangerous as it gets !!!!


When i am doing competition research for a client and run across competitor sites using the tactics, I do report them to Google and Bing.  This has a tendency to thin out the riff-raff.

This was again, a c+p from the internet, furthermore it's absolutely shocking advice.
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