Adnan123 asked
Member (7 upvotes)

How quick should my website be?

I hear people constantly saying my website needs to be quick in modern-day SEO. But how quick is "quick"?
Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Google recently released interesting data regarding website speed. Take a read here:

For example, if your website loads between 1-3 seconds, the chance of a bouce increases by 32%. 1-5 seconds = 90%, 1-6 secs = 106% and 1-10 seconds increased to a probability of a staggering 123%.

As you can see, even relatively quick websites lose traffic, even taking 1 second to load. So quicker the better in every respect.

Personally, anything above 2seconds load time, I start to worry.

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The site in question is a photography site with loads of heavy images. Do you have any suggestions on how to reduce the load time?
Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Google recently released interesting data regarding website speed. Take a read here:

For example, if your website loads between 1-3 seconds, the chance of a bouce increases by 32%. 1-5 seconds = 90%, 1-6 secs = 106% and 1-10 seconds increased to a probability of a staggering 123%.

As you can see, even relatively quick websites lose traffic, even taking 1 second to load. So quicker the better in every respect.

Personally, anything above 2seconds load time, I start to worry.

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Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

There is another reason to increase your sites speed other than the important one of its good for your users. 

Google allocates a crawl budget for your site, partly depending on its size but it will crawl as many pages as it can within that time period. 

I have run tests and introduced delays and watched the number of pages crawled drop drastically when the site was slower. 

Now if you want your efforts to appear quicker in SERPS then it helps if google can crawl more pages each visit. 

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Avatar for member tstolber
Moderator (98 upvotes)

Regarding the photography question on images and load times, there is a technique called lazy loading that only loads images when they will be rendered. This could help.

There is also a javascript event called on body load - which waits until the body has been loaded.

You could chose to load low res full size versions of your images and then load the higher res images once the page has been fully loaded. You could also selectively do that when a user navigates near to a content section.

Another option is to use a gallery type function that pre-loads the next image only so you can still have a nice seamless user experience without loading all images at once.

You should also optimize all images for the web in modern web formats, then you can link to high res full size versions of the image.

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Avatar for member bharath234432
Member (-1 upvotes)

the good site speed is in between 1-3 seconds...if your site is loading more than 3 seconds.your site have a sitespeed issue it is not good for make sure your site speed in between 1-3 seconds

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Avatar for member SubhodipDas
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Your website-making timing completely depends on the number of pages.  If you are making a personal or service-based website then it may take 15 days for a 5 to 7 pages website.  After creating your website you must go for quality content because sometimes the developer provides the website using some sample content that is not good for your website.  

<snip - no self promotion allowed >

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Avatar for member smithkatherine
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I have read that the Ideal Website Load Time must be 2 to 5 seconds. More than 2 seconds result in greater bounce rates. In fact, 40% of polled internet users admitted that they leave the site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. 

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