Imran asked
Member (0 upvotes)

Can i use 1800 global phone number in Google my business and my website?


I have read on some articles that local search ranking boost with local land line numbers but my client has 1800 UAN number and he wants to get on top in local search ranking. I wondered how much this really impacts on his local ranking. Kindly, i need advice on it. 



Avatar for member KnowOneSpecial
Moderator (84 upvotes)

I am inclined to agree with Matt1966 on the use of a 1 800 number.

It is best practice to have a local number in all cases.  It is okay in addition to also have a 1 800 as well.

The following snippet is taken directly from

Good advice?
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Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Having a phone number listed is preferable than no number. An international free code will not have any bearing on the ranking of a company.

It may though put some users off calling if they don't understand what 1800 is or may encourage others to call because the company is taking the cost of customers phoning them. The use of an 1800 number is more a business decision for the company and not an SEO concern. 

Good advice?
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Personally, I disagree. A local number is a clear signal that the business is based in said location, and covers said location. If you're using a local number, for national/international business, I think it's sending mixed signals to Google & the users. Same the other way round, not quite as bad, but I'd still prefer to use a local number for local business. Should be noted to anybody reading this, I haven't done any tests to prove my theory right, so my thoughts are opinion and not a fact.
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