tstolber asked
Member (98 upvotes)

Does the publishing platform matter for SEO?

Does the platform you are publishing your web site on affect your SEO and your ability to rank?

My take on this is - sort of but not really.

There is much discussion about whether one publishing platform favors or hinders SEO. There are also numerous plugins to assist with SEO.

Essentially, if you are delivering HTML to the browser (which is basically pretty much always what you are ultimately doing) then that is what the search engines see and will rank you on.

Furthermore a large part of how you rank is determined by off-page factors such as links and citations.

How, some platforms are more SEO friendly and natively amenable to good SEO practices.

Related to this topic is a current WIX SEO contest with one of the contestants - https://www.wixseolovers.com/ run by Marie Haynes. This is an interesting SEO contest in that there are only two competitors - the lover sand the haters. WIX has come under a lot of scrutiny for its SEO capabilities. We will see.

What are your thoughts on platforms for SEO?

My personal preference is to run plane old HTML (with some back end server side) and CSS. It may not be quite as efficient as some publishing platforms but it is certainly pure.

There is also a fairly decent argument appropriate for some sites to use static site generators.

Avatar for member Davidmcdowell
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As the Wix SEO Haters (https://www.wixseohaters.com/), we'd say so ??

But no in all seriousness, I'd agree with your answer "sort of but not really". Yes, as others mentioned, platforms like Wix are going to restrict flexibility and  add excessive overhead and fluff that will slow down your site (which seems to be trending towards holding more weight in regards to SEO).

However, with the right strategy and research in place, you can have a pretty effective SEO campaign, regardless of platform. Just some make you work a little harder than others.

Wix has definitely made a vast amount of improvements which has enabled them to evolve from a definite no in the SEO world, to an option for small businesses with little to no budget.

I guess it all depends on goals, resources, and industry/business type.

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Avatar for member Matt1966
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I'm completely with you regarding pure HTML / CSS being my preference. Reason being you have 100% flexibility. Just about every CMS spits out unwanted "fluff" which is just unnecessary. I know when a website is using Wordpress within seconds of looking at the source because it's an absolute mess. 

I think all these studies are pretty bias. From my point of view, the smallest businesses who barely know how to switch a computer on will choose Wix, and somebody who knows their stuff will pick Wordpress, and large business with developers will probably go for a custom build.

Therefore, CMS aside, who do you think would rank better? Clearly, it'll be the business who puts more effort into their website! 

In my opinion, the CMS only really matters if it restricts you. I've never used Wix myself, but using Shopify as an example -- I know you pretty much live by their rules, so for this reason (lack of flexibility) I'd go elsewhere, perhaps a custom build or Magento.

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Avatar for member Matt1966
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I'm completely with you regarding pure HTML / CSS being my preference. Reason being you have 100% flexibility. Just about every CMS spits out unwanted "fluff" which is just unnecessary. I know when a website is using Wordpress within seconds of looking at the source because it's an absolute mess. 

I think all these studies are pretty bias. From my point of view, the smallest businesses who barely know how to switch a computer on will choose Wix, and somebody who knows their stuff will pick Wordpress, and large business with developers will probably go for a custom build.

Therefore, CMS aside, who do you think would rank better? Clearly, it'll be the business who puts more effort into their website! 

In my opinion, the CMS only really matters if it restricts you. I've never used Wix myself, but using Shopify as an example -- I know you pretty much live by their rules, so for this reason (lack of flexibility) I'd go elsewhere, perhaps a custom build or Magento.

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Avatar for member Chedders
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It goes without question that WIX produce some fantastic looking websites. However within the SEO world they are still a bit of a joke. So much so they put up a competition to build a website using any backend platform to beat their offering for a keyword phrase of SEO hero. https://www.wix.com/wix-lp/seo-heroes The contest is closed now before anyone rushes out to build a site.

This contest was really quite flawed as the hype around the contest and the chance of winning $50,000 meant it created a lot backlinks for WIX which in turn would boost their profile. Well why else would they give away $50k 😀 Quite clever marketing and SEO strategy really when you think about it even if it pointed out one of its flaws.

But as has been pointed out, all CMS's generate HTML and no matter how pretty a website looks that does not translate into how well a site will rank. 

A good CMS though can generate good onsite SEO, which can leave the webmaster the spare time to work on off site SEO. Although I am not a huge fan of wordpress, it does do a pretty good job with a few extra plugins of handling a lot of boring things. However it also produces a lot of bloat so for clean prefect code it comes down to hand crafting a custom site. 

I come from a period of time when page size was paramount, I would remove everything from a page that was not required before publishing. If you looked at the source it would be 1 line of text with all comments, carriage returns, double spaces etc removed. Even ID's and class name where reduced to single or double characters as every single byte counted to the overall page size. On a really busy site these few bytes saved would enable us to serve a lot more users over the same bandwidth. 

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Avatar for member Elyman2
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I have to say that when I was first asked to work on Wix and Weebly type sites I was very sceptical about getting them ranked, particularly, locally. How wrong you can be!



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Avatar for member stellamartin
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There is a possibility of platforms affecting SEO ranking as platforms such as Wix have come up with necessary upgradations making it one of the convenient platforms to work upon.

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Avatar for member Nizam18
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Yes. Which company you choose to host your website with does have an affect on where your website ranks in search engines. Choosing the right web hosting company doesn't guarantee a rankings boost, but it does mean you avoid the consequences, and they can be significant ones, of choosing the wrong host.
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Avatar for member paulmisunday
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Yes they are important and it will give benefits to SEO.

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