rubyjames asked
Member (1 upvotes)

How to reduce website spam score?

My website's spam score is high even after disavowing spammy backlinks in Google Search Console. Is there any other ways to reduce my website's spam score?

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

If you're using a tool such as Moz to check your spam score then they don't have access to the disavow tool within google search console. They are looking at all links as that is the only information they have.

The only true way of lowing this score is to get the links removed physically. 

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Avatar for member Scarlett
Member (5 upvotes)

Just to inform you that Google doesn't consider Moz spam score while ranking websites. So, you don't need to worry much. However, if you still want to work on the score, then there are certain factors that affect spam score, such as Image, links, content, etc. You can search on Google and find out the specific issue.

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Avatar for member Nizam18
Member (-2 upvotes)
  1. Avoid usage of spam sensitive words and phrases.
  2. Use normal text inside hyperlinks, instead of the URL.
  3. Use a proper from address and subject line.
Good advice?
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they said website spam, not email spam
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