shaheryar108 asked
Member (0 upvotes)

I have done lots of SEO work but no result

I have done lots of SEO work but my website and categories not listed on the 1st page of google.

Please suggest or any kind of help required. My website link is

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

One of the biggest things you need to do is redirect your none secure traffic to your secure website. Currently, you have 2 versions of your site, http and https. This need fixing with some urgency. 

you don't say what keyword you not ranking for but your home page contains very little content. By content I mean text (not images) So what are you expecting to rank for? 

Below is how your site looks without all the pretty graphics. There is not a lot for Google to index. 

Good advice?
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Avatar for member parminder9876
Member (0 upvotes)

I think your need to work on the content of your site and check its loading speed . 

Please improve that and then check the difference . More content and speed will be good , more people will start spending time on your page and you will able to get good traffic.

good advice?  

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Avatar for member Nizam18
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The Content plays a major role in seo, It says what value you give to your visitor So try to make optimized quality content.

Good advice?
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