Adnan123 asked
Member (7 upvotes)

How important is the H1 tag?

How much significance do H1 headings have for SEO? Are they as important as Title tags for example?

Avatar for member tstolber
Moderator (98 upvotes)

Quite important.

Up there are one of the most important things to consider. The H1 tag is very similar to the Title. It should closely reflect the title but should be a more concise over view of the pages topic and content.

It is important to have your keyword in the H1 tag.

Also, many people use H tags as formatting - they are not - format the content as needed, structure the code semantically as appropriate. HTML 5 made some big advances in this area.

Use H1 through to H6 as appropriate. In practice most sites don't extend much beyond H3 as content is not typically structured in such a way. But where appropriate it can and should be.

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Avatar for member nikitacod
Banned (-6 upvotes)

H1 is a specific piece of HTML code that is usually wrapped around text. It was originally meant to display that text as the largest text on the page.

When Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were developed, one of the things CSS allowed web developers to do was to take the standard H1 format and adjust it (color, typeface, font size) to match the rest of the page design. This meant that sometimes the H1 was no longer the largest text on the page.

As you can see, the H1 tag is pretty important for SEO, usability, and accessibility.

Ideally, you should have one clearly marked on each page of your site.

Also be careful to ensure that the H1 reinforces the point of the page, and that there is only one H1.

While officially it’s OK to have more than one H1 on a page, and Google says use as many as you want, it only makes sense that Google would either:

  • Place the majority of the weight on the first H1 they encounter (Bing is on record as doing this).
  • Distribute the weight evenly across all H1s, thereby diluting the value of all of them.
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Avatar for member DirectHits
Member (4 upvotes)

I do think it helps to have the h1 properly implemented, but Mueller just came out and stated that it is not going to make or break your rankings.

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Avatar for member ritzgupta
Member (2 upvotes)

search engines considering these h1 tags important because h1 tags behaving like a title to the particular content. so search engines considering H1 tags as ranking factors along with meta tags.

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Avatar for member aarticod
Banned (-1 upvotes)

H1 tag on your pages, you're helping your website rank better. It may not be the strongest thing you can do for search engine optimization, but H1 tags are still very important for SEO because they tell both search engines and website visitors what the content of pages will be about.

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