Tiger asked
Member (4 upvotes)

3rd party large article. Include or not

This week I was sent a large article by a different website for including within my blog section. Its quite nice and would be useful for my readers. I am just a little worried about including it though as it is full of links to other non related sites. 

They have said I am free to use verbatim so I am not able to remove these links. 

I am a little unsure if its good to add or not, part of me says yes as its quite good, the other part of me is worried about all the links. 

Any insights on what I should do would be most welcome. 

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I tend to get a few of these from time to time. Basically majority of these are just spam and their attempt to gain backlinks. The giveaway is the request for you not to change anything i.e. remove the backlinks. They will no doubt be using a automatic system to fire out the request to as many websites as possible in the hope a few will post it. 

We are always after new good content but rest assured this will not be unique to you, so if they are successful the article will be duplicated many times elsewhere so will be of little value to you SEO wize.

The fact the post contains unrelated links would ring alarm bells to me. Put the request in the round filing cabinet (the trash) 

You could however if you like the topic they have written use it as a idea for writing your own based on the same subject matter.  

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Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

If the article is of good quality, that's fantastic. Unfortunately though, "it is full of links to other non-related sites." is a deal-breaker. They're simply trying to build links, nothing more. If the links are relevant, and no follow, I'd probably say consider it -- but if they aren't even relevant, that's bad news for everyone involved really.

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Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

If the article is of good quality, that's fantastic. Unfortunately though, "it is full of links to other non-related sites." is a deal-breaker. They're simply trying to build links, nothing more. If the links are relevant, and no follow, I'd probably say consider it -- but if they aren't even relevant, that's bad news for everyone involved really.

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