MdLandsverk asked
Member (0 upvotes)

I am new to SEO and have a couple questions

Hi everyone

My name is Marius, I am a 19-year-old student and freelancer from Norway with a background in sales. I just recently ended up looking at some beginner's guides for SEO and thought it was really interesting. 

What I was wondering about is the following:

What did you do that helped you learn SEO?

What are good places to start learning SEO?

And would anyone be open to take on someone like me, and guide them through the jungle of misinformation regarding SEO?

Looking forward to the response!

Kind regards from Norway and stay safe!

Avatar for member KnowOneSpecial
Moderator (84 upvotes)

Well Marius

"What did I do that helped me learn SEO" ?

I built a website and ranked it on page one of Google.  Took a a couple of years, found out that all the free tools out there are ok, but don't stand up to paid tools.  There is a pretty big gap between what the free tools will do and what paid tools will help you get done.

"What are good places to learn SEO from" ?

Here is just one good place.  Quite a few professionals here as moderators.

Then I suggest you put these sites on your weekly visit list for a while.

Search Engine Land 
Search Engine Journal
Neil Patel

I doubt anyone here will take you on as an intern, but this site was created to help people just like yourself.  

If you have questions, just ask.  Someone will provide an answer,

People to listen to:

  • Chedders
  • Matt1966
  • TSTobler
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I'd also like to add "KnowOneSpecial" to the list of people, haha.

Also, I'd recommend Backlinko too. Moz' starter SEO guide is also useful for new SEOs.

Avatar for member Elyman2
Member (8 upvotes)

Hello Marius,

I particularly like reading books about SEO and SEO ideas. Peter Kent was an early author I enjoyed. In more recent times I have enjoyed Tim Kitchen and Will Coombe.

On the web and YouTube you have so much it is almost impossible to identify something specific. Moz is excellent and so are the mini videos by Koozai TV focusing on aspects of SEO practice.

Some of the forums are very good and very helpful.

I have been actively involved in the SEO and website promotion world since 2001 and I would urge you to learn and develop your knowledge of the basics and always rely on them. Obviously, from time-to-time there are changes and new bits to take on, however, in my experience, much of what works and what matters has changed very little.

Best of luck


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Avatar for member Anny
Banned (20 upvotes)

To learn SEO, he must first work on a site. Through which Google will give him rank. Many times many people use paid tools to rank the site. Which is very harmful so free tool should be used.

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Avatar for member stellamartin
Banned (-2 upvotes)

Here are some of the reliable sources for learning SEO basics :

1.Moz SEO guide -

2.Backlinko guide -

3. Neil Patel SEO guide -

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Hi, stellamartin, Thank you so much for sharing these links :)
Avatar for member Johnsingh
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SEO is the small form for Search Engine Optimization. With the set of SEO Services Delhi activities, we mean all the technical, strategic, and analytical interventions for eCommerce optimization. It aims to increase the volume of free traffic on search engines read more-

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Avatar for member KERRYLOPEZ
Member (12 upvotes)

Hello Marius.
Fortunately, you can learn everything you need to know about SEO online and through application, eliminating the need for a degree or college background. In fact, the vast majority of SEOs are self-taught, learning primarily through free web resources (many of these will be discussed in this guide).

What did I do that helped me learn SEO?
By creating my own websites, I was able to understand SEO. But, because SEO is continuously changing, I'm still learning it. The most crucial lesson I learned about SEO was that you should never believe everything an SEO guru says to their followers. They're merely telling you what worked for their massive sites if they don't test in restricted situations.
If I get stuck doing SEO for my site, I go to Google for advice. There are many professionals who can teach you about SEO.

What are good places to start learning SEO?

Best Free SEO Courses Available On the Internet

1. SEMrush Academy (Include Certificate)
The academy offers Fundamentals and Technicals SEO courses that cover everything you need to know about SEO.

2. Free SEO Training By Yoast (No Certificate)
Learn everything about SEO from fundamentals to how search engines work and more.

3. HubSpot Free SEO Crash Course (Certificate Included)
Learn how to evaluate and improve your website’s SEO, techniques to build backlinks to your website, keyword research to improve your ranking, in this golden course offered by Hubspot.

< snip - this thread is over a year old >

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Avatar for member Naad_12Nodal
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"As per my point of view, Youtube is the best place learn anything. also for SEO. 

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