Peekay asked
Member (0 upvotes)

Ranking Competitive Business Name

I have a client who has a new business, the domain name they wanted wasn't available so they have another word appended on to the business name.

Let's say the business name is ABC industries. They ideally only want to rank for ABC rather than ABC industries and refer to themselves as ABC. 

The only issue is that ABC is also a suburb name and the top positions are websites such as domain and Wikipedia.

Is it unwise to try to rank for ABC considering if you do a search the first page in the SERP are all pages related to the suburb ABC?

Thanks for any advice! 

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Moderator (243 upvotes)

A domain name is not a ranking factor so picking the domain should not affect their ability to rank for their company/brand name

Good advice?
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Thank you! What about ranking for ABC when it is also a suburb name and there are already domains with high rank in the top positions. Would it be better to try to rank for ABC industries instead of ABC? I want to set the right expectations - if its unlikely we can rank in top positions for ABC, i'll just let them know the risk for trying to rank for ABC instead of ABC industries. Any advice most appreciated! :)
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