Matt1966 asked
Member (243 upvotes)

SEO during the COVID-19 outbreak

Firstly, I hope you're all safe & well.

Secondly, just wanted to check in on people who do SEO for a living -- are you still managing? Are clients cutting their marketing budgets? Any tips on lasting through these tough times?

Personally, I'm still doing ok (touch wood) -- but I heard many aren't!

Avatar for member tstolber
Moderator (98 upvotes)

We are doing OK, had a few clients pause SEO campaigns and most PPC budgets have been stopped or slashed.

Profit margins down considerably but able to keep the same staffing levels and haven't cut back.

Also, starting to see an uptick in web dev work as people optimize their online sales and move to a more digital landscape.

I know the general trend in the industry is quite bleak.

Hope everyone is doing OK.

Good advice?
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Avatar for member prof.stan
Member (7 upvotes)

I am stick with previous clients. They have many rehab centers locations wise in the USA, certainly realised that they are getting fewer inquiries due to this COVId-19 then they have created page about affiliates-leadership where they mentioned about every step of our treatment process, to provide the excellent care as they are known for while CDC guidelines to assure safety, as you know we have a number of protocols in place to safeguard our clients and staffs which are being followed by us. 

I applied and channelized through GMB and now they getting some leads through it.

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Member (1 upvotes)

SEO is always important. COVID-19 has caused massive changes in user behavior and what they are searching for on Google. This is the time when working on SEO in the right direction will help a blogger or marketer achieve the goals in the future.

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Avatar for member cerseiwarren
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Matt it is very generous of u to ask us about our condition. but the pandemic is not kind. recently I have managed to make a website 

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Avatar for member cerseiwarren
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during the covid pandemic, many businesses faced such loses. as well as the fashion industry

hope that all our countries economy will recover soon.

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Doing pretty good even finding new clients. I think more people have been looking at SEO in their newly found free time.

Good advice?
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