NicolaLane asked
Member (0 upvotes)

SEO software purchases / recommendations


I am looking for some recommendations for software for SEO. I have the free version of screaming from and spyglass. I am wondering if I need to upgrade to screaming frog full version. I would love thoughts. Thank you for your time :) 


Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

If your site is under 500 pages then there is no real need to upgrade except to support the tool. I must admit though it has jumped up in price over recent years which why I would say just use the 500 page limit if appropriate. 

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Okay, Thank you so much! Any others that you would recommend?
Avatar for member tstolber
Moderator (98 upvotes)

Free version of screaming frog is excellent.

I highly recommend SEMRush  

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Thank you :) I will have a look!
Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Although the best tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush would be ideal, as you're a local photographer, I doubt paying a ~$100 a month would be realistic?

Imo, these tools are for search professionals, or medium to large businesses having a fairly decent marketing budget.

As a one-man-band, the best all-round, and the more affordable tool would be SEO Powersuite.  

They provide link building help, SERP checking tools, website auditing, and a pretty decent backlink research tool as well.

In terms of value for money, they're the best bet.

Screaming Frog has already been mentioned, but this tool is built for people who already know the basics of technical SEO. If you don't, Powersuites website auditor tool simplifies this for you.

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Thank you! I am finding my way through screaming frog and YouTubing how to use it correctly. I can't help but be fascinated by SEO and how you guys work it and to me, it seems so interesting. I love figuring things out. Its just hard to do on my own sometimes. I agree the $100 a month is a lot for me, especially right now. I have no business coming in at the moment. I will look into the SEO Powersuite, that sounds interesting. Awesome, thanks :) Really appreciate your help / advice - everyone :)
Avatar for member stellamartin
Banned (-2 upvotes)

Tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahref, Screaming Frog are very much reliable for any SEO project. I don't think you may be needing any other tool to rely upon.

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I do use these from time to time also. Right now I am trying to just get old pages off my site. Old work off my site and fix duplicate titles and metadata. Just trying to optimize it the best I can. :)
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