Adnan123 asked
Member (7 upvotes)

What is SEO siloing?

What does SEO siloing mean? Although I think I kind of understand the concept, I'm just looking for clarification 

Avatar for member KnowOneSpecial
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In it's basic form

If you were targeting "left handed blue widgets" you use 


Your directory and file structure make use of keywords as show in this example.

It has been shown and demonstrated that this can if done properly increase your rankings.

Don't expect to see anything huge in ranking gains.. but you will see some.  It is worth doing. 

( Edited for clarity ) 

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Avatar for member Anny
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Siloing a web site serves to clarify its subject relevancy and lays the groundwork for top keyword rankings.

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Avatar for member AlexM
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A silo structure in SEO is the best approach to organize content on a specific topic. Having a silo structure in place will guide users and search engines throughout your website in a clear, understandable manner. This will help search engines crawl, index and rank your website better. Hope this helps.
I generally follow for Marketing related info.

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Avatar for member webxeross
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SEO Siloing a website serves to clarify its subject relevance and lays the groundwork for high keyword rankings. The term siloing originated as a way to identify the concept of grouping related information into distinct sections within a website. In order to rank well in search engines for both broad keywords (e.g., Digital Marketing Services) and longer, more specific keyword phrases (e.g., Best Digital Marketing Services), your website must have enough clearly organized supporting content to appear relevant for those terms.

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Avatar for member aarticod
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Siloing is the act of dividing a website's content into different categories and subcategories — groupings known as silos. Sorting and linking related pages means a website will carry more clout in search engine rankings, and index your web content

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Siloing a website clarifies its topic matter and establishes the foundation for excellent keyword rankings. It's a crucial component of SEO, and it's usually a more advanced topic. The term "siloing" was used to describe the practice of organizing relevant material into separate areas on a website.
Avatar for member Claybaker2233
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Siloing a website serves to clarify its subject relevance and lays the groundwork for high keyword rankings. It is a core building block for SEO and is normally an advanced topic

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Avatar for member ROBERT9639
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seo siloing is main purpose to high quality keyword ranking seo is make for any website /blog is many way 

like on page or off page seo 

if you more learn about the seo and digital marketing so visit here

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Avatar for member Anny
Banned (20 upvotes)

Siloing a website serves to clarify its subject relevance and lays the groundwork for high keyword rankings.

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Avatar for member praveenkumarbk
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Thanks for asking this question.

I too learned this concept after seeing this question. 

Primarily, SEO Siloing is a method to structure your page categories. You need to follow certain themes rather than doing your SEO randomly for a set of keywords.

You need to follow a clear central theme with Siloing a website with subject relevance and will lay the groundwork for high keyword rankings.

I hope this reference might help you understand the subject in-depth.

All the best!


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Avatar for member WLDM
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SEO siloing is the process of making sure your site has pages optimized for multiple keywords.
For example, if you have a page on textiles, an additional page should be created that is devoted to shirt dresses. The two pages are then linked together in order to get more exposure from different keywords.

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Avatar for member WLDM
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SEO siloing is the process of making sure your site has pages optimized for multiple keywords.
For example, if you have a page on textiles, an additional page should be created that is devoted to shirt dresses. The two pages are then linked together in order to get more exposure from different keywords.

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Avatar for member KERRYLOPEZ
Member (12 upvotes)

Siloing a website clarifies its topic matter and establishes the foundation for excellent keyword rankings. It's a crucial component of SEO, and it's usually a more advanced topic. The term "siloing" was used to describe the practice of organizing relevant material into separate areas on a website.

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Avatar for member nikitacod
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SEO Siloing is a best practice for how a website should be structured. Siloing is the act of dividing a website’s content into different categories and subcategories.

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