bobptz asked
Member (-1 upvotes)

Appered In section on home page


Over the years we got backlinks from blogposts or other articles in the media.  We also have a backlink from a college, and a mention for us in a university page.

We are thinking to create an "APPEARED IN" section in our home page, linking back to all those places.  The links will be NOFOLLOW.

The question is this:

Will google punish us for having a section with 15-20 links, linking back to places that also give us links? 

Avatar for member KnowOneSpecial
Moderator (84 upvotes)

Hi bobptz

As you have stated

Quoting you...

"We are thinking to create an "APPEARED IN" section in our home page, linking back to all those places.  The links will be NOFOLLOW."

Since the links will be "No-follow" Google will know they are not for link manipulation.  There is no harm in doing the links. 

As for placement, maybe the homepage is a good place, maybe an inner page will be better or better yet, do the home page addition like you're wanting and add a link to an inner page that expounds on said topic matter.

That last suggestion could provide some additional help in ranking.. test it..

Good advice?
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Exactly! I thought of putting the 4 most important links on the home page. Then link to an inner page where I will list all the links. And all of them will be NOFOLLOW. Best of all worlds!
@knowonespecial, log into Skype, please.
Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I just wouldn't link out to them, but keep the list handy in case anybody asks for verification. Rule of thumb with conversion, the more links they have to escape, the less likely they are to convert. This is statistically factual, so I'd avoid. From an SEO point of view, if you add nofollow it should be fine.

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Avatar for member bobptz
Member (-1 upvotes)

Will google punish us for having a section with 15-20 links, linking back to places that also give us links?

Is it that nobody can answer this?

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Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

If the links are nofollow its not an issue for google.

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Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

The one thing to remember with placing new links on your home page, it will be weakening each link currently on the page. As your home page typically is your most powerful page in terms of PageRank you should use wisely, 

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I made all external links to be NOFOLLOW, so this takes care of it, right?
No, it's not taken care of. You are missing the point. Link juice is the page rank divided by the number of links on the page. increase the links and you decrease the link juice the other links will pass on. It does not matter if the links are follow or nofollow its a link. Will the lowering of PageRank of the other pages affect your rankings? probably not but its something you should be aware of when increasing your links especially on your main page (home page)
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