prof.stan asked
Member (7 upvotes)

Buy an expiry domain is worthy for ranking

Hi All,
Buy an expiry domain and redirect to your site has any value. Do you have any personal experience please share with me I want to hit and trail with the new domain. Please let me know

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Pointing the right expired domain at your money site can be fruitful however it can also destroy it.

When buying a expired a domain you have to do your research, there is always a reason the domain has been let go. with the majority being quite toxic. It can be really dangerous and you need to become quite an expert at looking at backlink profiles and evaluating sites to see if the domain has previously been used in a spammy way. 

You would need access to some high powered paid services such as ahref, majestic, moz in order to do the groundwork. 

Please bear in mind, it's not often a good domain is let go without a good reason. 

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I see your points your points have some worth, no one leave the domain without a good reason, still I want to hit and trail for my satisfactions as I created this site for research purpose only. Should I have to do this or you let me know what is best way to deal on it. Btw I used ahref, LRT and LRT is good for showing the toxic links. If i will get the results or not still i will share this here after sometimes.
Avatar for member milanvalni
Member (0 upvotes)

4 Benefits Of Buying Expired Domains And Things To Consider

Many people have heard or read of the practice of buying expired domains, but not many fully understand what the benefits of doing so are and how to go about it.

1. Build an Authority Site

If you are thinking about building a new site or blog, consider purchasing an expired domain rather than a new one.

2. Use It For Backlinking Purposes

Instead of building an entire site, you can also build a small mini-site for the sole purpose of linking to your main website or blog.

3. Redirect the Site

If you want to transfer the link juice of an expired domain to your main website without going through the process of setting up a mini-site, you can skip ahead by simply redirecting the old domain to your main website. This can be done via a 301 redirect.

4. Sell It For Profit

Another reason people purchase expired domains is simply to sell them. This is also known as domain flipping, and some people earn their livelihood from it.

Good advice?
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