tstolber asked
Member (98 upvotes)

How do you do linking to relevant resources

OK, so firstly this may seem like an odd question.

However, I have a specific angle on this.

Usually when we are linking to a relevant resource the keyword or cited report or company will usually be the anchor text. However, I have been thinking a lot about this and just saw Kevin Indig do this using a more academic style of reference such as ....

In a recent study[1] ....

where the [1] is a link to the reference on the page to a list of resources used. I personally like this idea and have been thinking a lot about it.

Especially since Google is more and more looking for scientific reports and actual research from experts in a field.

What do you guys think about this? 

Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I like your thought process here. Actually no, I love it.

"Especially since Google is more and more looking for scientific reports and actual research from experts in a field." - This pretty much nailed it.

Very good for link building - not keyword-rich anchors, but oozes authority in my opinion. Thanks for sharing and I'll more than likely be trying this approach on my personal project.

Good advice?
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Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I like your thought process here. Actually no, I love it.

"Especially since Google is more and more looking for scientific reports and actual research from experts in a field." - This pretty much nailed it.

Very good for link building - not keyword-rich anchors, but oozes authority in my opinion. Thanks for sharing and I'll more than likely be trying this approach on my personal project.

Good advice?
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