Matt1966 asked
Member (243 upvotes)

Should I be using REL UGC/SPONSORED yet?

Curious, would you guys just start using rel= UGC right away, or hold back and see what people discover?

Personally, I'd just go ahead and just use it right away for outbound links. I don't feel any negative implications from specifying this on outbound links. 


Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Started using sponsored the week it was announced. I cant quite get my head around how fine graining the outbound links is going to make much difference but if that's the new standard then so be it, I will do as google recommends. Less for them to moan about I guess that way 😀

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Avatar for member tstolber
Moderator (98 upvotes)

I think it was John Mu just said at Pubcon (Marie Haynes live tweeted the Q&A session) that there is no advantage to publishers to do it, it just helps Google understand the web better.

I think implementing UGC on blog comments will be useful though. I think basically where ever appropriate UGC replaces nofollow.

I also think the nofollow links not being nofollow any more will be quite a huge event I think it is responsible for quite a lot of changes already and I don't think the industry has fully grasped the significance of this.

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If publishers/we start including "sponsored" rel attribute in their post, then I am sure google can easily track the number of paid links. I think it's just a game plan from google to get most publishers paid link. And this way they can penalize most of the sites and frustrate users will go for PPC and all and finally, Google will be able to sell more their service right.
Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Curious, would you guys just start using rel= UGC right away, or hold back and see what people discover?

Personally, I'd just go ahead and just use it right away for outbound links. I don't feel any negative implications from specifying this on outbound links. 


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