LolaLies asked
Member (0 upvotes)

Uncheckable Pages and Organic Search Loss

All of a sudden the SEO audits can no longer check my pages. For instance, seobility can only check three of my twenty eight pages when submitted from the home url. I can submit them one by one and they look great but when submitted as a whole they come back being able to read nothing.

I can see the 302 redirects and many of the pages say "Bad HTTP status code: 302." Any hints for me? Have I just been making too many changes? Is there a problem with the SSL certificates? Help please. 

Avatar for member Chedders
Moderator (243 upvotes)

I would guess your internal links have nofollow on them. 

but without looking at the site that is a pure guess. It would worry me as well seeing 302 redirects when crawling your own site. That means you have links to pages that no longer exist. You need to fix them.

Good advice?
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Avatar for member Nizam18
Member (-2 upvotes)

One of the reasons for a traffic drop can also be due to your site losing links.

Good advice?
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