CeceliaPool01 asked
Member (0 upvotes)

Does compressing images boost rankings?

any experiences? a confirmation would be nice.

Avatar for member Matt1966
Moderator (243 upvotes)

Speed has no correlation to higher rankings. Although if your website is INSANELY slow, it will decrease your rankings. So, it is a factor, but at the same time, it isn't unless your site is of a horrific quality.

That being said, quicker sites will convert better, have better UX metrics, which in turn could indirectly help your SEO & profits. So I'd still losslessly compress your images, and scale them, yes.

Good advice?
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Hi Matt, thank you for the heads up, this would really help me with my reports.
Avatar for member rubyjames
Member (1 upvotes)

Compressing image file size will improve your webpage loading speed. Loading speed is one of the Google ranking factor so it will help you to boost your ranking.

Good advice?
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Avatar for member Nizam18
Member (-2 upvotes)

According to HTTP Archive, images make up on average 21% of a total webpage's weight. That's why I highly recommend compressing your images before uploading to your site. 

Good advice?
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